Thursday, September 3, 2020

THE SKY IS GRAY Essay -- essays research papers

Groundbreaking Journeys: â€Å"The Sky is Gray†, â€Å"Blue Winds Dancing† and â€Å"The Hammon and the Beans† In the three short stories that we have perused, the principle characters take groundbreaking excursions. As we proceed to find out about these accounts we discover James in The Sky is Dim, the Native American from Blue Winds Dancing and Chonita in the Hammon and the Beans have voyage three separate streets, permitting us to see their excursions in three distinct ways. James in â€Å"The Sky is Gray† shows a dark male experiencing childhood in a home without a dad figure present learns the existence exercise of destitution yet glad. The Local American in â€Å"Blue Winds Dancing† manages having a place with the Native American world and the â€Å"white man’s world† while genuinely distinguishing himself. Chonita in the â€Å"Hammon and the Beans† manages pov...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Luis Barragan free essay sample

Life, vocation, improvement, significant works sway on design of Mexican pioneer of Critical Regionalism development of twentieth Cent. Over the span of the twentieth century engineering, as most parts of culture, has been set apart by expanding homogeneity across national lines. As Ricoeur brings up, the universalizing of culture is somehow or another a development for humankind however it likewise establishes a kind of unpretentious decimation where neighborhood wellsprings of elaborate advancement are step by step subdued as general styles of engineering, workmanship, food and pretty much every part of culture dominate. There is a strain between nearby culture and this universalizing pattern that can't be settled for one side or the other. The inclination of styles and structures to spread rapidly starting with one zone then onto the next will just increment and local culture has become something which [must] act naturally deliberately developed. Provincial draftsmen must, along these lines, endeavor to consolidate the osmosis of global styles with

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Case Study: Creedence Clearwater Revival

Contextual investigation: Creedence Clearwater Revival Introduction Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR) was an American musical crew that picked up fame in the late 1960s and mid 1970s (Lyrics Freak, 2010). â€Å"The bunch comprised of lead vocalist, lead guitarist, and essential lyricist John Fogerty, his sibling and musicality guitarist Tom Fogerty, bassist Stu Cook, and drummer Doug Clifford† (Lyrics crack, 2010). The foursome started at an opportune time as youthful youngsters and became together. All through their time together there were numerous issues that emerged that at long last drove the gathering to disband. Reason for Demise CCR started their descending winding that finished in disbanding in 1970; by 1972 the gathering had reached a conclusion (Lyrics Freak, 2010). The reason for death for the gathering involved many components. John Fogerty had assumed business responsibility for the gathering by 1971 and felt that a majority rule vote would just motivation issues, anyway the other musicians felt they ought to have a state in things (Lyrics Freak, 2010). Cook and Clifford were not excited with the choices that Fogerty was making, yet wound up tolerating what Fogerty offered (Lyrics Freak, 2010). In spite of the distinctions that the individuals had with how things were going they proceeded on recording and visiting. â€Å"Finally, on October 16, 1972 †under a half year later †Fantasy Records and the band authoritatively declared the disbanding of Creedence Clearwater Revival† (Lyrics Freak, 2010). Legitimate Issues Each headed out in their own direction. John started a performance profession as an exclusive band, yet at the same time was under agreement with Fantasy to complete eight additional records (Lyrics Freak, 2010). John was not excited with the manner in which Fantasy was taking care of the agreements and was vexed that they had the copyright to his work. With the goal for him to break the agreement and be free John gave up his privileges to Creedence’s melodies to Zaentz, the proprietor of Fantasy (Lyrics Freak, 2010). John battled with Zaentz over this and numerous different issues. One lawful issue a lot of that influenced the entire gathering was that a great part of the cash earned by Fogerty and Creedence was â€Å"lost in a seaward expense cover bargain masterminded by Fantasy† (DeCurtis, 2005). The gathering prosecuted Fantasy and after much preliminary and tribulations CCR won an extensive judgment (DeCurtis, 2005). After John Fogerty left CCR and Fantasy he made a collection in 1985 â€Å"Centerfield,† which had the tune â€Å"The Old Man Down the Road† on it (DeCurtis, 2005). Zaentz, from Fantasy, felt that he claimed the copyright to that tune since he felt it â€Å"was an unlawful redo of Creedence's ‘Run Through the Jungle’† (DeCurtis, 2005). Zaentz sued Fogerty for $140 million â€Å"for appropriating himself† (DeCurtis, 2005). The fight among Fogerty and Zaentz got silly with lashes to and fro. Fogerty started to make tunes about Zaentz that were insolent and inconsiderate. After numerous contentions and fights in court Fogerty won. Cook and Clifford framed Creedence Clearwater Revisited and chose to sing a portion of the old tunes. They had requested John Fogerty to go along with them, yet he cannot (Lyrics Freak, 2010). Claims between the musicians started to follow in light of the fact that John felt the others reserved no privilege to utilize the names of the band and tunes (Lyrics Freak, 2010). Monetary Issues Financial Issues were consistently an issue for the gathering since the start. In spite of the fact that there were a couple of years where they had monetary benefit generally speaking the gathering battled. When CCR disbanded Cook said something to the press saying, â€Å"Over the years John Fogerty has done all that he could to depreciate Creedence Clearwater Revival†¦He owes all of us a trustee obligation to ensure, upgrade and help [the band] develop on a business level. What's more, we accept that he has damaged that† (Rolling Stone, 1997). Dream had made an arrangement with a seaward expense asylum, and as indicated by Lyrics Freak (2010) different individuals didn't know that John had approved this. This arrangement prompted a ruin of funds for the entirety of the individuals. The antagonism that happened between all gatherings prompted doubt and the powerlessness to cooperate. This antagonism influenced their work and before they disbanded the collections put out was not gotten well by people in general, which acquired less income at that point wanted (Lyrics Freak, 2010). The executives Issues In 1964 CCR, some time ago known as The Blue Velvets, marked with Fantasy Records (Lyrics Freak, 2010). From 1964 to 1970 the band had a decent run of accomplishment under Fantasy, anyway discord started to settle in the band and Fogerty accepting the rules as business pioneer for the gathering (Creedence Online, 2009). Dream was the group’s the executives, yet Fogerty started settling on the principle choices for the gathering. In the end the gathering chose to run as a majority rules system, which transformed into tumult since everybody had their own thoughts on the most proficient method to deal with the band (Creedence Online, 2009). Band Interpersonal Issues Dissension emerged among the musicians. Achievement was something they all looked for after, yet couldn't deal with. Each had their own thoughts on what ought to be done, however it was uncommon that all were in understanding in how things should play out. Tom Fogerty got resentful about how the band was responding to circumstances and in 1971 remaining the band for good (Creedence Online, 2009). This left John Fogerty, Stu Cook and Doug Clifford, the trio forged ahead yet couldn't get along enough to prop the band up. They attempted by assembling the collection Mardi Gras and had likewise chosen to endeavor a U. S. visit (Lyrics Freak, 2010). â€Å"Hecklers supposedly pelted the band with coins at the last stop of the visit on May 22 in Denver. At last, on October 16, 1972 †under a half year later †Fantasy Records and the band authoritatively declared the disbanding of Creedence Clearwater Revival. † (Lyrics Freak, 2010). End The numerous issues of the death of CCR ought to learn focuses for different groups and directors. In the event that I were the person who had found CCR and turned into their administrator things would have been unique. It is critical to see how each musician responds to circumstances and as the chief to ensure everybody is in the same spot. It appears that Fantasy didn't do one or the other John Fogerty had his own plan too. Albeit a vote based system is required and acceptable once in a while, a barely recognizable difference must be attracted request to viably deal with a band. Leading I would have made it exceptionally evident that as the chief I am working for CCR and that everybody gets an equivalent state, anyway what is best for the band ought to consistently be mulled over above what every individual wants for themselves. Also meetings would have been held to guarantee that everybody is in the same spot. This is critical during extended periods of time of recording and visiting. Individuals will in general get worn out and don't generally think obviously during distressing occasions, so a re-hashing of the objectives the band has is critical to keep harmony. Thirdly with regards to the groups cash all ought to have an away from of how the accounts are designated. Each part ought to reserve the option to review explanations. So choices like the seaward record would not happen. Agreements to ensure the individuals would have this expressed in them to offer reasonableness to each gathering. By being straightforward, open and hosting legitimate insurance for all gatherings I feel that CCR might not have disbanded in such a horrible way. It is disgraceful that the gathering couldn't stay cooperating after the split. Anyway in 1980 the four played together for Tom’s wedding claims by and by made a finish of connections among the gathering (Lyrics Freak, 2010). Much after the demise of Tom John couldn't forget about the past and still would not play with previous individuals Cook and Clifford (Lyrics Freak, 2010), References Lyrics Freak. (2010). Creedence Clearwater Revival: Biography. Recovered March 4, 2010, from http://www. lyricsfreak. com/c/creedence+clearwater+revival/life story. html Creedence Online. (2009). Creedence Clearwater Revival History. Recovered March 4, 2010, from http://www. creedence-on the web. net/history/DeCurtis, A. (2005). John Fogerty Is Closer to Peace With a Label. The New York Times. Distributed: November 1, 2005. Recovered March 4, 2010, from http://www. nytimes. com/2005/11/01/expressions/music/01foge. html? ei=5088=a96cbcb6483ce99c=1288501200=1=rssnyt=rss=1182985952-kKlgvwEFB+csZpVxoY0czw

Is It Possible to Prove the Existance of God Essay Example for Free

Is It Possible to Prove the Existance of God Essay Is it conceivable to demonstrate the presence of God? All through time numerous thinkers have been scanning for a response to creation and whether it is really conceivable to demonstrate (or not demonstrate) if God exists. A portion of the scholars incorporate Thomas Aquinas, William Paley and Blaise Pascal they thought of different various hypotheses and contentions to demonstrate the presence of God and why they accepted he existed. Another thinker Karl Marx felt that his hypothesis could persuade individuals not to have confidence in God. One thinker, Thomas Aquinas accepted that God did exist and that he could demonstrate this essentially by contending that the Universe couldn't have been made by nothing by any means, saying that it was unthinkable for something to originate from nothing. He accepted that the universe was caused to exist by something which itself is uncaused, or probably there would be a limitless relapse. He imagined that the best way to clarify the beginning of the universe in a judicious manner was to state that it was made by God. I believe that Aquinas might be correct, yet I question that he is directly as he is stating that God was made by only I feel that something more likely than not made God and consequently there more likely than not been an endless relapse. There is additionally no strong proof or verification that God does exist and since there isn’t I imagine that not even Aquinas is 100% certain that God exists. Additionally, Aquinas’ hypothesis appears to be fairly opposing as he says that the Universe must be brought about by something and can't just be made by only that God is an uncaused causer. Another Philosopher, William Paley, similar to Aquinas was persuaded that God does exist and that he could demonstrate it. Paley ‘invented’ the psychological test to urge individuals to concur with him that God exists. He considered his contention that Teleological contention (originating from the Greek word ‘telas’ significance reason). Story Imagine you are strolling across open field with certain companions. At that point you unexpectedly go over something lying on the grass. You are so dazzled with the workmanship that you are your companion. Who do you think made this watch? † The companion says†Nobody made this watch it was consistently there† Paley said that the universe, similar to a watch is excessively entangled and brilliantly intended to have no maker. Paley utilized the Analogy of the watch to contend the presence of God. Paley contends that on the off chance that a basic watch has a maker, at that point the universe, which is a great deal more confounded and somehow or another more wonderful than a watch must have a maker and that maker must be God. I imagine that Paley’s hypothesis seems sensible yet I don't completely concur with it totally. I feel that the world must have a maker yet not really God anything could have been the maker and that the maker probably won't be Omnipotent, Omnibonevelant and Omniscient the maker could have basically quite recently made the universe and afterward simply left it or done nothing else to it. Another logician who additionally enjoys Aquinas and Paley ‘believed’ in God and imagined that he could utilize his hypothesis to urge others to do so was Blaise Pascal. Nonetheless, Pascal’s hypothesis was altogether different to Aquinas and Paley’s. Pascal accepted that God’s presence can nor be affirmed nor objected and whatever you choose about this difficult will be unsure and that your answer can be just a bet. Pascal said that you can't abstain from taking a risk on God’s presence and you need to put down your wager in any case. Pascal before long arrived at the resolution that it is smarter to accept that God existed than not to as you won't lose anything thusly. He imagined that on the off chance that you accepted that God existed and, at that point after your passing he really did you would have a major increase by going to paradise. In the event that, anyway God didn’t exist and you accepted that you did you would not lose anything separated from a portion of your time supplicating and going to strict spots and so forth. Pascal likewise imagined that on the off chance that you didn't have faith in God and came to know after your passing that he did you would be well on the way to take a hike accordingly have a major misfortune. He called his hypothesis Pascal’s bet. I firmly can't help contradicting Pascal’s hypothesis predominantly on the grounds that he just put stock in God for egotistical reasons and needed individuals to have confidence in God simply because of the satisfaction they would get in paradise which isn't the genuine thought. Additionally I feel that God doesn't choose to place individuals in paradise and damnation dependent on whether they accept or not yet by the great deeds they have done in their life, so individuals who have faith in God only for reasons like Pascal’s presumably would not go to paradise in any case. I feel that Pascal appears to be fairly covetous to put stock in God just to go to paradise after his demise. The last scholar I’m going to discuss is Karl Marx. Marx imagined that that â€Å"Religion is an apparatus of oppression† implying that Religion is something that you don't really require yet use to divert yourself from different things and something that somebody just gets delight and joy from. So he imagined that everybody should simply dismiss religion and this would make individuals mindful of their own actual circumstance and this may allow them to improve the conditions in which they live. Marx utilized statements from the book of scriptures to back up cites from the good book to back up his hypothesis. â€Å"Blessed are the poor in soul acquire the earth† Marx would contend that this statement is attempting to state that it isn't the rich and incredible who are generally blessed yet really poor people, as they will go to paradise as a result of all the enduring they have persevered. He would state that the poor are frequently given statements like this to make them content with their own hopeless lives and that religion causes an uprightness of destitution and docility and unsatisfactory lives to have been glamorized. Thusly I don't concur with Marx contention for the most part since his hypothesis may have been appropriate around then yet it isn't currently, as individuals don't utilize religion just to have an interruption or something to comfort them when everything else is a wreck. To finish up I imagine that despite the fact that there are a wide range of speculations for whether God exists or not it isn't really conceivable to demonstrate that God exists and that on the off chance that you have faith in God you ought not simply accept that he exists on account of some hypothesis but since you really accept he exists and need to put stock in him. In spite of the fact that it is likely unrealistic to demonstrate whether God exists or not (except if he came sensible and told everybody) the most persuading way is experience a supernatural occurrence. Supernatural occurrences can demonstrate that God exists to a specific sum in light of the fact that most wonders would be very enormous to be only a fortuitous event. Despite the fact that there are numerous anecdotes about marvels in the news and in strict books, for example, the holy book you can't really make certain until you experience one yourself. Marvels may not demonstrate that God as individuals realize him exists (Omnipotent, Omnibonevelant and Omniscient and so on) yet they do demonstrate that there is an all controlling/heavenly being.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Advertisement gone too far Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Commercial gone excessively far - Essay Example Numerous little youngsters are contrarily influenced by the expanded sexualisation and generalization of ladies a factor that makes them attempt to mirror the models that show up in promotions. Numerous organizations have depended on exceptionally sexualised notices to advance their items. For instance, the American Apparel has a long history of sexualizing ladies in their commercials. This paper will do a basic investigation of how ladies have been sexualized and generalized and how the American Apparel famously spoke to sexualized ladies as they advanced their items. The globe has seen a whole century of ladies delineated in the commercial. The principal portrayal of a lady in the ad was in 1912 during the testimonial development. During that time, numerous ladies activists pushed for their privileges to cast a ballot. Advertisers and sponsors looked to utilize the battles to further their potential benefit. In this manner, they delineated ladies in the advancement of the Nebo cigarettes. The notices focused on men who were regularly disturbed or outraged by the â€Å"sass† of a suffragette. A similar commercial was additionally speaking to ladies who needed to enjoy smoking just because. In this way, the commercial bolstered the push for ladies to have equivalent rights. In 1923, Listerine propelled a promotion that included a model named Edna. In its offer to advance the mouthwash, the commercial accentuated that all ladies needed to get hitched. Be that as it may, factors, factors, for example, awful breath kept them from turning into t he lady. In 1925, ladies advanced the fortunate cigarettes. Prominently, smoking was still seen as a propensity for people who smoked were seen contrarily (Yan, Ogle, and Hyllegard 2010, p. 213). In any case, the Lucky Company concentrated on creating cigarettes that explicitly focused on ladies. 1936 denoted the rise of the primary bare lady in a commercial for the Woodbury Soap. The Woodbury advert denoted a fresh start that would see to an ever increasing extent

Monday, August 3, 2020

Neurotherapy Treatment for Addiction

Neurotherapy Treatment for Addiction Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Print Neurotherapy Treatment for Addiction By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 11, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on May 27, 2019 Sciepro/Science Photo Library/Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Many people facing addiction issues end up relapsing, sometimes several times. In some cases, they can be in and out of rehabilitation programs for years without effectively ending their addiction.   Neurotherapy, also known as neurofeedback, is an approach to therapy that can help successfully end the cycle of addiction.   Why Addictions Are Difficult to Treat Unfortunately, addiction is still associated with some stigmas, with some people thinking addiction is caused by weakness, poor self-control or a lack of discipline. This can cause those struggling with addictions to be filled with guilt, shame, and anxiety, making the path to recovery even more difficult. Addiction is a real physiological condition, which is why it is so hard to treat. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses, 5th edition, the manual used by healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat patients, recognizes addiction as a distinct mental health disorder. Addictive disorders can be severely debilitating, impacting every area of a persons life.   Most treatment models focus on 30-day inpatient stays. However, these programs have a very high relapse rate. More intensive models with a longer duration have higher success rates, but many insurance plans wont cover them. People are left unable to re-acclimate to their normal lives after treatment, increasing the risk of relapse.   What Is Neurotherapy? Unlike other approaches to therapy, neurotherapy treats addiction by focuses on retraining the brain. Many people relapse during times of extreme emotions or stress, so neurotherapy works by teaching techniques that will soothe and calm the brain functions, allowing the person to make rational decisions with a clear mindset.   For some, medication may be used to help reset the brains thinking. This is only a step in recovery and not a long-term solution. Neurotherapy retrains the brain so that even without medication, the person can stay substance-free beyond the 30-day rehabilitation stage.   Neurotherapy is usually included as part of a comprehensive approach to therapy, working alongside other methods like medication, support groups or talk therapy. Studies have shown that when neurotherapy is included in the recovery plan, 85% more of the patients are treated effectively.   How Does It Work? Neurotherapy corrects dysfunctional brain activity that causes irrational behaviors that lead to addiction disorders. Neurotherapy aims to fix the malfunctioning areas linked to arousal, connectivity, and impulse control by replacing these negative behaviors with healthier reactions and habits. This type of therapy requires the patient to be an active participant and helps him or her to be aware of triggers that cause them to engage in addiction. Through neurotherapy, a person gets the necessary tools they need to successfully beat their addiction.   While many people dismiss addictions as a personal weakness, addictive disorders are real and damaging mental illnesses. They require intensive treatment, often involving several different aspects to treat psychological and physiological factors contributing to addiction. Through neurotherapy or neurofeedback, people are given the tools to overcome the malfunctioning of the brain that triggers addictive behaviors. Neurotherapy gives them the chance to beat their addiction, and not relapse, for the long-term.   The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs

Monday, June 22, 2020

What Is Foster Care - Free Essay Example

The Federal Government of the United States and other governments all over the world usually deem it fit to reauthorize elementary education act provisions and secondary education act and factors laws and amendments that facilitate educational stability for children in foster care so that they can go on with their education minus any disruptions (Klein Kraus de Camargo, 2018). Foster care should empower learners to also maintain important relationships with their caregivers and their teachers; this will also accord young learners the chance to realize career and college readiness. This paper will give invaluable insights with respect to the state of foster care today in Americas K-12 educational system.. As at 2018, children in foster care are at a larger risk of poor life outcomes in comparison with children in the general population (Gupton, 2017). The quality of a foster childs secondary and education is a primary determinant in influencing if a learner succeeds or does not succeed in life. If we were to compare foster children in the United States with their peers, it becomes evident that they are faced by more serious challenges which need immediate address. The challenges that define foster education to all parties concerned include higher absenteeism, lower scores on standardized tests, truancy, tardiness, and the rate of dropping out. Other problems that face foster children on a more direct level include recurrent school transfers and instability, the lack of specialized instruction, and persistent low expectations. On a personal level I think that even though the powers that be have the prerogative to transfer children to different schools at will it is not right for learners to have to adapt to different instructors within a short time. Young foster children do not have the luxury of a stable family so making them switch schools too much affects them in a negative way (Westland Totten, 2018). According to the childrens body language, discrimination was quite hurtful and humiliating. Some of the children became sad once they were told that they would be treated differently because of their differences. Stress is a negative element in the human body and it often demotivates us to perform any meaningful activity. Stress is very opposite to happiness; happiness is about feeling good and it makes individuals release their feel good hormones i.e. dopamine. On the other hand stress evokes the release of the stress hormone i.e. cortisol. When an individual undergoes through stress for a long time, it can become chronic and unless he or she takes action, the consequences can be dire. There are a number of things that policy makers can do to make foster children perform just as well as their counterparts. For example, policymakers ought to come up with reforms to grant foster children the choice of enrolling in a private of public school . It is worth mentioning that the choice of going to a private or public school stems from the deliberations between a foster child and a caregiver (Hallett, Westland Mo, 2018). Noteworthy is also the fact that school choices options could see to it that more foster children in the confines of the United States of America realize a high-quality and stable education. Receiving a high quality and stable education gives all children, those in foster care or otherwise, to successfully transition into adulthood. The responsibility of foster care belongs to the federal government and America at large. For that matter, Americans should proverbially go back to the drawing board and find out what programs can be used to ensure the safety and the needs of foster children are met (Hallett Crutchfield, 2017) The mishandling and mismanagement of resources, programs, and logistics that directly affect foster children is a negation to the well acclaimed effectiveness of the K-12 education system.